JUDAS OF RIS - Judge Madalina Afrasinie denounced General Florian Coldea: “To talk about trust, when you are also, along with the rule of law(less puppets), part of this information service which you have transformed into a political police, shows not only guts but also the fact that your oath, taken with with one hand on the Constitution, is a bad joke!... You should have been thrown into ‘the garbage bin of history’”
[Note to the English-language version: the "law(less) puppets" collocation is a close translation of a Romanian pun, "stat de drept(i)", meaning "rule of ‘ten-hut’ instead of rule of law".]
General Florian Coldea (photo), former chief operations officer of the RIS (Romanian Intelligence Service), should be thrown into the “into the garbage bin of history.” It is the statement of one of the most well-known and appreciated magistrates in Romania: Judge Madalina Afrasinie, president of the VIth Civil Section of the Bucharest City Court.
The reason for Madalina Afrasinie’s reaction is a book written by Florian Coldea, entitled “About intelligence services. Thoughts, perspectives, opinions. A plea for trust”, whose cover the judge posted, Tuesday, January 28, 2020, on her Facebook page. Madalina Afrasinie said she was offended by the title of this book, which is why she will not buy it. And the fact that Florian Coldea speaks about trust, given that he, together with the (state based on the) “rule of law(less puppets),” transformed the RIS into a political police, shows, according the judge, that the oath that the general took with one hand on the Constitution was nothing more than a bad joke. “Romania has long lost the ‘war’ that would have ensured its progress... this is why we are in this situation: we, lower class, working hard for you... you, the ones who promote the interests of others! You impostors!”, ends her post Afrasinie.
The full message of Judge Madalina Afrasinie:
“The title of this book offends my intelligence... for this reason I will not buy it!
To talk about trust, when are you also, along with the rule of law(less puppets), part of this information service which you have transformed it into a political police, shows not only guts but also the fact that your oath (those who are/were part of this abusive state), taken with with one hand on the Constitution, is a bad joke!
In my opinion, all those of you who signed protocols, voted CSAT decisions through which you legislated, intruding into people’s lives and turned fundamental rights and freedoms ‘into a theoretical luxury,’ should have been thrown into ‘the garbage bin of history’… 'not climb' to decision making positions!
Romania has long lost the ‘war’ that would have ensured its progress... this is why we are in this situation: we, lower class, working hard for you... you, the ones who promote the interests of others!
You sons of Judas!”
* Read here the Romanian version of the article
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# tho observer
29 January 2020 12:05
# He is not the only garbage from the secret services ..
29 January 2020 15:53