26 February 2025

"In mintea stramba si lucrul drept se stramba"
- parintele Arsenie BOCA

THE STATUE OF KOVESI MUST BE DESTROYED – Lumea Justitiei notified the decision makers of the EU not to make the mistake to propel the prosecutor Laura Kovesi to the position of chief prosecutor of the future European Prosecutor’s Office: “She was revoked from the position of chief prosecutor of the DNA following some disastrous results... she is involved in Romania in criminal investigations... she signed the secret protocol between the Prosecutor’s Office and the Romanian Intelligence Service”

Scris de: L.J. | pdf | print

12 February 2019 18:41
Vizualizari: 8486

The editorial office Lumea Justitiei (World of Justice) notified at the end of January 2019 the decision makers of the European Parliament and of the European Commission not to make the mistake to propel the prosecutor Laura Kovesi to the position of chief prosecutor of the future European Prosecutor’s Office, institution that could start working from year 2020, if its set up is approved. Although we do not understand why the European Parliament puts the cart before the horses, namely to appoint a future chief prosecutor of a prosecutor’s office that has not been established yet by the vote of the European Parliament, we cannot assist impassibly as European citizens when there is a real threatening, that one that Laura Kovesi should be appointed in a position where she may repeat the disaster that she left behind in Romania, when she managed the General Prosecutor’s Office and then the National Anticorruption Department, where she was remarked by a deplorable management, revolting acquittal solutions and particularly by the celebration of a collaboration protocol with the Romanian Intelligence Service, deeply illegal, acknowledged as such by the Constitutional Court.

Furthermore, Kovesi is involved in 18 criminal files within the Section for Investigating Justice Offenses and other more files that are lying around with the Military Prosecutor’s Office (for the abusive protocol concluded with the Romanian Intelligence Service) and we can always face the situation to see her sued at law, and the image of Romania would seriously suffer.

We consider that if, despite of the evidence submitted and sent to the European authorities by us and by many other people, they make the mistake to appoint Laura Kovesi in the position of chief prosecutor of the European Prosecutor’s Office, we would witness the indisputable proof that there are a double measure and a hidden working agenda in the activity of the European decision makers.

Please find below the letter sent by the Editorial Office Lumea Justitiei:

In the attention of:

Mr. Antonio TAJANI, President of the European Parliament
Mr. Jean-Claude JUNCKER, President of the European Commission
Mr. Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the European Commission
Mr. Claude MORAES, President of the LIBE Commission of the European Parliament
Mr. Tudorel TOADER, President of Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Union Council
Mr. Thorbjorn JAGLAND, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Dear Sirs,

The editorial board of Lumea Justitiei (World of Justice), the most important publication of Romania which monitors the judicial system, please find attached below some documents by which we notice you the inappropriateness related to the election of Mrs. Prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi for the candidature for the position of European Chief Prosecutor.

We hereby notice you the fact that Mrs. Laura Codruta Kovesi, despite a deceitful propaganda that presents her as a real fighter against corruption, is, in fact, a deeply compromised character who:

- has been revoked from the position of chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate, following a disastrous management and some calamitous professional results, for a defiant behavior against the Parliament of Romania in front of whom she refused to appear, despite two decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania which compelled her to comply with; Among the revocation reasons, we mention the breach of the fundamental rights disposed by the Constitution, the excessively authoritative and discretionary behavior inconsistent with the deontological obligations of the profession of magistrate, questioning the Constitution of Romania itself and the activity of the Constitutional Court and the breach of the operating principles of the rule of law;

- She is involved in Romania in various criminal investigations within the section for investigating justice offences;

She is involved, pending the Prosecutor’s Section of the Superior Council of Magistracy, set up as a disciplinary court, in two disciplinary actions exercised against her for the breach of the statute of the profession of magistrate. Thus, suspicions are raised regarding the Romanian candidate for the European dignity position related to the commitment of some serious disciplinary offences, incompatible with the ethical and deontological profile of the European Chief Prosecutor;

- the most serious action proved in her task, for which various criminal complaints have been filed, is the signing of a secret protocol in February 2009 between the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, that she used to manage, and the Romanian Intelligence Service, protocol declared outside the law by the Constitutional Court of Romania according to the Decision dated 16 January 2019, illegalities for which at the moment, in Romania, thousands of criminal trials must be revised in order to cancel the documents and evidence obtained illegally by the partnership between the prosecutors and the agents of the Romanian Intelligence Service. Mrs. Prosecutor Kovesi, at that time holding the position of Attorney General of Romania, determined by the signing of this secret Protocol, a serious breach of the Constitution and implicitly a breach of the fundamental rights and freedoms.

We send you this notice in order to warn you on the danger you might incur as public perception if you decide to appoint Laura Codruta Kovesi for the head of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, and also from the desire of European citizens, to avoid turning the future European Public Prosecutor's Office into a disaster – such as the National Anticorruption Directorate turned to be under the management of Laura Codruta Kovesi.

January 25, 2019

Sincerely yours,

Senior Editor,

Razvan Savaliuc

* Read here the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Roumania about the ilegal protocols between Prosecutor’s Office and Romanian Intelligence Service

* Read here the synthesis of Laura Kovesi 's Revocation Report from the post of Chief Prosecutor of DNA issued by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader

* Read the article in the World of Justice on February 4, 2018 – Kovesi's Disciplinary Action

* Read the article in the World of Justice on January 23, 2019 - The Owl dreaming at the maize

* Read the article in the World of Justice on January 23, 2019 – Tic Tac here comes the roller coaster


*Read here the Romanian version of the article


# Corriere della sera date 13 February 2019 08:49 +7

All that happened for so many years, the implementation of a diabolical system of TOTAL control of the act of justice for an entire nation (in an EU state, not Africa !!), was made " step by step" by a local group of individuals (intelligence members and, subsequently, a various number of puppet-politicians) wich have created (EVEN BY LAWS !!!) the possibility of TAKING OVER ALL the institutions they wanted to have in their "pockets". This is NOT possible without the "blessing" and complicity of those in charge at Brussel !! Very suspicious sounds the implication of CIA members, as supporters of this "mechanism", with obscure ties in big "money-maker entities" !! That's why Romania and its citizens are affected by corruption and poverty, with almost no hope for the future of their children. By accepting this obvious enslavery, romanians are doomed.

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:


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