12 March 2025

"In mintea stramba si lucrul drept se stramba"
- parintele Arsenie BOCA

A SWORN COMMUNIST – Attorney General Augustin Lazar swore his allegiance to the communist regime in 1982, when he was appointed to the Alba Prosecutor’s Office: „I swear to serve the Socialist Republic of Romania with devotion… To dedicate my entire work capacity to the realization of the policy of the party and of the state … To steadfastly act in order to strengthen and proliferate our socialist regime… I swear to abide by the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Romania”

Scris de: L.J. | pdf | print

3 April 2019 11:47
Vizualizari: 30576

Unbelievable! 30 years from the blood-soaked events of December 1989, Attorney General Augustin Lazar (pictured left), currently undergoing revocation proceedings, is bodacious enough to raise claim over a second term in office, from the shelter of secret protocols that conceal the professional endeavors of his communist past. The fact that, several years ago, the representatives of the binome consisting of the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Attorney General’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice were careful enough to file under seal professional activity reports, has prevented the public opinion from becoming aware that Augustin Lazar swore an oath of faith before the communist regime in March 1982, when he took over as prosecutor at the local district attorney’s office of Alba. An oath identical to the one taken in September 1982 by former communist prosecutor Monica Macovei (pictured right). Here is how Augustin Lazar and Monica Macovei became peers within the same regime, as they took office as prosecutors in 1982.

Lazar, the idol of the #rezist bands

If Macovei’s time as a prosecutor is long past, Augustin lazar is still in the game; surprisingly, he has managed to gain the fanatic support of most of the #rezist movement (pictured below, Augustin Lazar, together with protester Marian Tivilic Morosanu, nicknamed Ceausescu), which perceives him as an “anticommunism freedom fighter”, an enemy of the “red plague”, seemingly materialized by the Socialist-Democratic Party (PSD). Oddly, if in the case of PSD’s leadership, no links can be found to the communist dictatorship (as most of the current party leaders were barely of age when the Revolution took place), undeniable evidence of Augustin Lazar’s allegiance to the communist regime has surfaced, as has his prior commitment to act steadfast in order to defend Ceausescu’s rule.

The fact that a prosecutor who swore to defend the communist dictatorship is now occupying the seat of Romania’s Attorney General seems defiant of the thousands dead and wounded in the 1989 Revolution, since he was very much a part of communist repressive bodies (Militia, Prosecutor’s Office and Intelligence Service). How does the European support which Lazar has enjoyed until now (protected by the Pharisees that keep monitoring us through the EU Cooperation and Monitoring Mechanism) go together with his communist past? As a footnote, we mention that it was impossible to be a prosecutor during Ceausescu’s rule without being a member of the Communist Party and that, without the endorsement of the State Security Department, you couldn’t hold any office.

Proof of Augustin Lazar’s pledge before the communist regime

Law no. 1 dated 1975 regarding the pledge of faith and devotion to the Romanian Socialist Republic (rendered by the Great National Assembly and published in Official Gazette no. 30 on March 21st 1975) stipulated that:

“The members of elected state bodies, as well as the personnel of socialist units…. shall be sworn in, upon their appointment to the positions with which they are entrusted, through a pledge of faith and devotion to the country and the socialist state, the Romanian Socialist Republic… The oath constitutes the solemn commitment... of those taking it, to follow the politics of the party and of the state, to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to them with diligence, to defend the socialist regime and to ensure that the socialist law and order are fulfilled.

Art. 3 – The oath has the following contents:

'I... swear to serve, with utmost devotion, the Romanian Socialist Republic, the Romanian people, to place my entire work capacity in the service of the internal and external policy of the party and the state, to fulfill, with utmost diligence, the responsibilities entrusted to me, to act steadfastly in order to strengthen and proliferate our socialist regime, to defend the motherland, the sovereignty, independence and integrity of the country. I swear to abide by the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Romania and its laws, to strictly guard state secrets, to defend socialist property, to act according to the principles of socialist democracy, socialist ethics and equity'.

Article 4

The oath is made verbally. After making the oath, the text of the oath is signed, for certification purposes, by the person before whom it was made. If the oath is signed, for certification purposes, by the person overseeing the works of this body (…)

Art. 15 – The oath is mandatory for the following personnel of socialist state units:


h) the personnel of the justice system’s bodies, district attorney’s offices….


Article 18 – The oath is sworn before the head of the respective socialist state unit”.

* Read here the Romanian version of the article


# gelu date 3 April 2019 13:09 +4

In mod sigur daca ne luam dupa fruntile tesite Dide este fiul lui Lazarica. Asa ca tinand cont de faptul ca creirul le sta lejer la amandoi in tartacuta e si normal ca Procurorul General sa fie #rezist la fel ca si Dide, Ceausescu, Sandy, Badita, Angy....

# Moro Gogo date 3 April 2019 13:27 +3

Va propun ca de azi incolo sa nu ii mai spunem Taica Lazar ci Taica VISINESCU.

# zeno date 3 April 2019 16:53 +1

nu mai bine taica visinescu ficioru?

# Gilu date 5 April 2019 18:33 0

Of, Monico ! Bella esti ! Din ce treci , tot te bellesti ...

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:


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