Politica MJ l-a impins pe expertul Catalin Grigoras sa plece. Azi este reputat profesor si director in cadrul University of Colorado!
Reputatul expertul in audio-video Catalin Grigoras (foto) a plecat din Romania dupa ce a realizat ca nu are sens sa se mai lupte cu morile de vant pentru a reforma sistemul expertizarilor si pentru a sparge monopulul impus de stat in acaesta materie. Fost director adjunct al INEC, Catalin Grigoras este cel care, ani de zile, a realizat expertizele interceptarilor sau ale unor monitorizari audio-video din dosare de rasunet, iar ultima dintre acestea a constituit-o filmuletul care a facut valva in plina campanie electorala pentru alegerile prezidentiale de la finele anului trecut, in care Traian Basescu lovea un copil la un eveniment al PDL de la Ploiesti.
Americanii l-au vrut, MJ nu
Dupa ce a explicat intr-o carte de specialitate, iar apoi la toate televiziunile ca CD-ul cu filmul lovirii copilului a fost deteriorat chiar de catre directorul INEC de la acea vremea, Cristian Dumitrescu, in sensul inscriptionarii cu un marker distructiv, Grigoras a plecat din Romania. Actualmente, el este profesor si director al National Center for Media Forensics din cadrul Universitatii Colorado-Denver (vezi foto) prezentarea lui fiind expusa pe siteul universitatii. In Romania, Catalin Grigoras a avut o gramada de probleme. Orice incercare a sa de a determina autoritatile sa autorizeze experti privati pe voce si vorbire, dar si alte domenii de expertiza, a fost subminata de mafia expertizelor, care a dorit ca MJ si serviciile de informatii (adica statul) sa detina monopolul pe acest gen de expertize. In America, meritele sale sunt unanim recunoscute. De asemenea, stirea despre capacitatea profesionala a lui Catalin Grigoras si cariera acestuia a aparut pe site-ul universitatii, dupa cum puteti observa in acest material.
Prezentarea expertului Catalin Grigoras de pe siteul Universitatii din Colorado – Denver (engleza)
“National Center for Media Forensics introduces new Director Catalin Grigoras, PhD, joins the College of Arts and Media at University of Colorado Denver
The National Center for Media Forensics (NCMF) housed within the College of Arts & Media at the University of Colorado Denver recently hired Catalin Grigoras, PhD as director. Grigoras will coordinate the Center’s activity, including education and scientific projects.
Grigoras’ research encompasses digital signal processing in forensic multimedia, including digital recording authentication, audio/image analysis, enhancement, and speaker recognition. His research into digital signal processing has resulted in advanced methods to authenticate digital audio/video recordings and semiautomatic systems for forensic speaker recognition. “This position allows me to continue my research and teaching activities, and it is also a new challenge for me,” said Grigoras. “I recognize that I'm lucky to be on the same team with my new colleagues, and I'm positive that together with them and our students we can continue the work of the former director, Richard Sanders, and push the limits of scientific knowledge as far as it is possible.”
Prior to UC Denver, Grigoras taught forensics as assistant professor with the National Institute of Magistracy in Romania. Grigoras was chairman of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes – Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis Working Group between 2007-2009. He is a member of the Audio Engineering Society Subcommittee on Forensic Audio and the International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. He has published numerous forensic audio/video articles and is a co-author of Best Practice Guidelines for ENF Analysis in Forensic Authentication of Digital Evidence (2009).
In addition to providing a Master’s of Science emphasis in Media Forensics, the National Center for Media Forensics provides much needed training opportunities for law enforcement through innovative credit-bearing workshops dealing with forensic media analysis. Through this activity, the NCMF and the UC Denver cultivate strong, mutually beneficial partnerships that engage the local, federal, and global law enforcement communities. The first of these offerings will be held December 13–15, titled Forensic Audio Workshop and will cover the theory and practice of acoustics and digital audio as well as the handling and enhancement of forensic recordings.
As the first college in Colorado devoted exclusively to arts and entertainment, the College of Arts & Media (CAM) at the University of Colorado Denver embraces the influence of modern trends on traditional art forms. Located on UC Denver’s downtown campus, CAM is at the heart of Denver’s thriving, dynamic arts community. The college uses the latest technology to encourage its students to discover new forms and contexts. CAM is one of 13 schools and colleges at UC Denver. The University offers more than 120 degrees and serves more than 28,000 students in Metro Denver and online. For additional news and information, please visit the UC Denver newsroom.”
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# DOREL 20 October 2010 12:01 +7
Sa fie intr-un ceas bun pentru el, vai de noi care am ramas aici !
# Taco 21 October 2010 08:06 -4
# Paco 21 October 2010 08:51 +3
# Duralube 21 October 2010 11:52 +4
# rudi giuliani 22 December 2010 23:34 +1